Segnali 2019, in Milan

by Mario Bianchi, Eolo, Maggio 2019.


After the great success of "Out", the Unterwasser women's collective formed by Valeria Bianchi, Aurora Buzzetti, Giulia De Canio presented at Segnali "Amarbarì" an enveloping performance of shadows for a few travelers of all ages, ready to be amazed. The public of children, 25 at a time, is invited to cross the threshold and sit inside a space made up of 4 white walls, which miraculously, through the colored play of shadows, form an enchanted, capable building, like a real magic carpet, to move from place to place. “Amar bari” in Bengali language means “my home”. And in fact, each of the small participants will be able to experience that place as a real home in which to live, a house without borders, because the world we live in should not have any border.

And in fact on the 4 sides of the room you can see and imagine landscapes of all types, from the seabed, to warm colorful cities, starry skies, even skies crossed by brightly colored hot air balloons that from above plow the infinite possibilities that our land grants . Just outside, spectators will also be able to observe the extraordinary, in their mechanical simplicity, contraptions used to create all these imaginaries: silhouettes and mobile sculptures of wood, wire and colored glass. A place, "Amarbarì", which can also accommodate very young children with their mothers to dream all possible worlds together.


